Monday 16 May 2011

Lego Architecture Seies

in the previous post was about the Lego Landmark Series this is the next series called the Lego Architecture Series. This Series focuses more famous architects and the buildings they designed. Hear are the buildings in this series  ( Frank Lloyd Wright´s Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright Guggenheim Museum and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Farnsworth House )

Frank Lloyd Wright´s - Fallingwater



  Frank Lloyd Wright - Guggenheim Museum




Ludwig Mies van der Rohe - Farnsworth House



Lego Landmark Series

I loved Lego when i was young, it was my favorite toy and now i have stumbled across an new series that Lego has brought out called Lego Landmark. Hear are the buildings from the Lego Landmark series ( Willis Tower, John Hancock Center, Empire State Building, Space Needle, The Rockefeller Center The White House and The White House )

Willis Tower


John Hancock Center

Empire State Building


Space Needle

Rockefeller Center

  White House

AutoCAD WS Test

I have played around with AutoCAD WS just to see how user friendly it is. If you have AutoCAD experience it quite easy to find your way around the application, it does not offer all the editing tools but enough to do basic alterations. I do have one or two criticisms about the application, first off is that sometimes its a bit difficult to access if you don't have an internet connection. My second problem i have been struggling to find an option to change the measurements from inches to millimeters and the third problem is that i cant figure out how to type in the the distance i want a line to be. Other than the one or to problems I'm experiencing its still a brilliant application.

Friday 6 May 2011

First 3D MAX Interior Project 3

This is my 3D MAX Rendering for one of our computer projects. In a earlier project there is the same image rendered in AutoCAD 3D. The two images can be compared and i think that 3D MAX offers a better quality picture.

AutoCAD WS For Android

I while ago i downloaded an app that allows you to view you drawings on your phone. I just found an app called AutoCAD WS developed by Autodesk and it is basically Autocad on a phone. Have a look at this video and see what can be done.

Friday 8 April 2011

First 3D MAX Interior Rendering

This is the finished product of the interior rendering we had to do in 3D MAX. It took a bit of time simply because we have not used the program before and learning to use it takes time. I'm hoping that as i get more familiar with 3D MAX my speed and skill will increase.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

1st 3D MAX Project

We have received a new project for computers. The requirement for this project is to produce interior 3D rendering of 4 rooms with different types of lighting. Its been a bit difficult starting to use 3D Max because its unfamiliar and different. the renderings that are produced by 3D Max are meant to be of very high quality so it should be worth the effort learning how to use it.